What is the Jumpstart?

A lot can happen in 6️⃣ weeks πŸ—“

🚫 An injury
🚫 Crazy curveballs from life
🚫 An emotional roller coaster
🚫 Unforeseen changes - both welcome and not

But also:
βœ… Losing 10+ lbs
βœ… Seeing your body transform thanks to the high quality fuel and nutrition
βœ… Learning to love yourself
βœ… Prioritizing yourself despite having kids, a job and all the other things that make us busy

I will never guarantee that your journey to your leanest self will be easy. But I will guarantee that if you put in the effort and follow a few simple guidelines, you, too, can transform your life.

Comment #me if you’re ready to start your Jumpstart today πŸ’«


Mom Bod: Are you struggling?


Jenn Lost 65 lbs: Want to know how you can do it too?