Food For Hydration

Drink + Eat Up πŸ’§

As you age, your water content in your body drops. Most adult women are about 55% water.

The water in your body helps with everything from healthy joints to optimal metabolism functioning – and of course, bouncy skin – it seems wise to keep your hydration up!

Fruits + veggies are critical for hydration. They are unique because they’re made up of substantial quantities of water.

Many even contain electrolytes, like potassium, which help water make its way into your cells more quickly.

See below for the top hydrating foods.

Cucumber - 95% water

Tomato - 95% water

Broccoli - 90% water

Strawberries - 91% water

Grapefruit - 91% water


Fit Tip #2


Fit Tip #1